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Community Update 109

It's a week before Halloween, but the Rust community has already started the annual celebration of violence and pumpkins.

25 October 2016
Wait, I can do better... WelcooOOOooomeeemwahahahaha. There. That's all you'll get out of me this Halloween. Thankfully you guys have picked up the slack, and seem to have started Halloween activities weeks in advance. The header is from an event held by Bizzlesnaff. He first challenged the players to make it to his shack, then those who did were to take part in an art contest. Here's how it was announced. The winners were announced on Twitter
Bizzle has also released a video showing how he made the header image, as well as a tour--12 mins in--of the event. Great stuff.
Halloween is always a good time in Rust, and--because you guys are scary as fuck--we don't need to do anything. The set-up: you're in a shack, and somewhere in that shack is a chest with a key. Also, there's a pumpkin-headed murderer in there as well. Stimpee bravely took part. It's a bit dark, but that just makes the screams seem even louder. Oh wait, I just had my volume up really high.
Surge's video of the new caves on prerelease is probably the nicest I've seen. It delves deep into the caves, all the while swooping around and making Rust look epic and like a real game. There's even a gunfight, which is an odd choice in a video that begins like an update video. My title for this will haunt me to the end of my life. Know the sacrifices I make for you.
Swemba's work is classy as shit: lovingly framed and beautifully edited. I really like how he mixes the live voice comms into the action as well. But it could be classier, and for that the call went out to the Velvet Vocal Chord* himself, Shadowfrax. Here he talks over a raid that seems to starts off incredibly clumsily. It was so bad that I'd have given up, but things take a neat turn... *Another one for the CV.
You know the drill: Art! Made by humans, posted by me. On the left is Flum's take on the Rust logo; right is another cut-out art thing sent to me by Екатерина Чеснокова on twitter. More art, please.
Take a look at lapwin rust's little piece on this Art Museum that was built on the Rustaholics server. It's such a different video from all the other stuff I've watched lately. It feels like a personal documentary. Dude has 8 subs on Youtube. Come on!
Last week I showed off isThishJune, a video where a player painted his phone number on the side of his base and invited players to call and raid. The calls came, but the raid didn't. So he decided to take matters into his own hands. That was really well made. Good job in compressing a raid, too.
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Now's the time to share your base designs, or get into the growing Raid Cam business, or show off a game-mode from your server, or if your server has an interesting theme. There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.


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