I've always liked buildings that exist for nebulous reasons. Homes and storage areas are Rust staples, and because of the harshness of the environment and the ability for another player to take what you have, they're the main focus of the community's creative energy. But a player new to a Rust server is in a wonderful position of discovery, and I'd love it if more people followed in
BlueSkilly's steps and built broken things.
This build was made to feel dilapidated; to be peeked at through the trees and evoke that idea of discovering something old and lost. I wonder if the new building system will provide a better way of doing this? Just build a normal house and whack away the foundations. Or just overfeed your
player and run around the top floor.

I was going to spend some time discussing the notion of
Ruin Value, but when you discover who popularised that notion (rhymes with 'Kitler'), you back away and quietly close the door.
Much better to instead send you in
GrymThor's direction. He's already been featured here, as the builder of some immense tree-houses, and I'm trying to get him to provide some builder secrets for the new system. He's already tried it out, and discovered that his usual designs now need to be supported by pillars. With them all in place, Grym's careful spirals take on a different look.

Yup. He's made roller-coaster. I wonder if he'd be willing to build one in the woods, bushes and trees jutting up between the foundations and pillars? Abandoned theme parks are so post-apocalypse.