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Community Update 23

Holiday megabuilds.

06 January 2015
I spent the holidays lazily occupying my couch. It was a glorious and comfortable time, and I relaxed in the knowledge that when I chose to get off of it, there would be plenty for me uncover from the Rust community. I was particularly looking forward to what GrymThor would spend the holidays building, and he didn't disappoint. He made a town! Grym says: "The town is built on both sides of the River, at one end is a General Store and Hotel, and the other end is a bridge. Grym even suggested a potential game set inside the town: "What if we could fill all the houses, one person per house and create two teams, East Side VS West Side, give them a sleeping bag to place in their home, and a large box with several guns inside, heaps of bullets, bandages, food etc, then we put a unique item something that cannot be gained unless u have admin access, like a Water Bottle, which will be placed in a Box somewhere, possibly the hotel, the teams then have to find the Water Bottle, and declare their find then they have to defend it from the opposite team who must then find the Water Bottle and make it theirs. Admins can watch over the game and time who has the water bottle the longest after each round." I like that idea, particularly if it's happening on a live server. Other people could come across this strange battle just in their every day fight for survival. Not to be outdone, VikingVirus took some sort of industrial cutting device to the trees of his server and crafted a pyramid of ridiculous proportions, and a tower that prods the sky. When you consider that the we don't actually have industrial cutting devices in the game, it shows you how dedicated he was. It took him about nine hours, split over two days. He said: "Sometimes I just cant help going BIG. While there's minimal PVE and PVP its like a glorified lego set ATM). I wanted to build a huge vaulted ceiling with no supports but its impossible due to stability. So we have to improvise." I sometimes think the supports for these builds are more impressive than the final creations. What do you think? The tower was so tall that it took them above the air drop. And up there the graphics get a little screwy, but you can still make out the mighty shadow this 1km tall tower casts.
Youtuber Shadowfrax has a lot of Rust videos, and until very recently they were mostly witty analyses of the updates, and if you watched any of them you'll realise he has a voice and style that was begging for a Let's Play series. He is doing just that, on a Quest for Pies. Will the people of Rust help in his pastry pursuit? As he puts it: "Rust is only one letter away from Crust". That was great. I demand more pie.
At the risk of immediately dating this post, it's 2015! Woo-hoo! We're post-Christmas, and in the final act of the festive season we're wading through the ripped wrapping, flaccid tinsel, and broken families to see what the Rust community got up to. Join us. Ivan Burma on VK.Com painted the header image for the 'inforustpub' community, depicting the naked conga-line of death that follows every air drop. I love the detail of the nude Newman swinging from the tree. There is nothing scarier than someone willing to go all out while they're all out. Ahem. UPDATE: The image was erroneously accredited to a Steam user who reposted the painting. We are happy to attribute it to the creator, who made something ace.
Yeah, I wrote "corkers" instead of "crackers". It amuses me to subvert your expectations like that. A few other treats landed during the holiday season, and here they are to remind you that work has returned and there's no Santa for another 352 days. What sort of Christmas joy are you missing? What about carols? In Rust, carolling happens at gunpoint. As the Game Grumps prove, admin abuse is a very real thing at this time of the year. Ah, Legacy. They were bound to find hackers. It's a five-part series, so if you liked that episode you have FOUR more to watch. That's more parts than The Hobbit has, which makes it objectively better. Christmas is also about presents. The most Rusty of presents I spotted was this painting. Redditor pryvisee's girlfriend drew him a picture based on his favourite game (I assume). Next year, I want to see the Rust logo burning in the skies amidst the New Year fireworks.
There's a dedicated forum post, or you can post in inky depths of Reddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. We also have a dedicated site for suggestions and bug reporting. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.
What's better than a raid? A raid that actually made you work, that's what. No house is safe in Rust--though it's currently balanced towards the house owners at the moment--but you can always avoid stupid things. And who best to warn you about what's stupid than a raider? Redditor and raider, TheManStache, kindly posted what he sees as the dos and don'ts of house building as it pertains to safety.
Water I don't like bases built out in the water. If your foundations are deep enough in the water that I will get cold, it becomes about ten times more dangerous to try to break your walls. If I cant find a safe place in the water to break your walls/doors, I have to find a different way in.
And being Reddit, it started off a conversation with a few more handy hints about the raidibility of your houses. Read.


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