Raiding is getting some attention from both the community and from us. In fact, this idea was originally put up on
Reddit by Petur, Rust's mysterious tree-tweaker. The notion of setting drills instead of C4 set Redditor photoshop_nsfw to work, who came up with
this concept. I've cropped it, so clicking it will reveal a whole lot of design features.

It's fun to see people getting very specific about this stuff. The drill would work in a similar fashion as Payday 2's drills, turning it into an event: the act is slow and loud, leaving potential raiders to worry about being discovered, and a makeshift drill would require you to fix it from time to time,
Which, of course, got other redditors on the case. My personal favourite is this one from beautifully named CarelessWhiskers that argues the case for
Gunpowder Kegs.
Powder kegs could also have the potential to chain-react, so you could create huge explosions for massive damage. Imagine a "trap room" in your base, filled with kegs that automatically detonate when someone enters the room.
I love the idea that you could defend your house from raiders by shooting the keg they're transporting. That would be amazing.