The top image is just a lovely scene captured by, er,
punchfodder on Reddit. He came across the build, now lost to the great wiping of 03/03/15, on the
Rustafied dev server. It's a shame he didn't snap more screenshots: as you can see, whoever was responsible for building this took into account multiple rocks to cluster a house within. It's a neat little build that adds to the world. It's one of a few fun builds and builders I wanted to highlight this week. Almosttactful on the
Facepunch forums crafted a house that used the caves. Most cave builds try to take up the inner space of the cave and use the opening as the only outward part of the base, but this sits on top. It's almost as if the cave is a basement area for the house above it. The result feels more like a nicely designed house, and less of a base to survive the horrors of Rust.

Finally, a pair of builds from Facepunch
forum user Symphony. The first is a bridge that was big enough to house "an upper private pathway and a lower public walkway," which I guess means you had to know the creator to gain access. The other build was just a structure in they water, but one people started calling "The Leaf". Was it worth the 25 deaths it took to build?

You see things like this and it's easy to forget that, at heart, Rust is a game about people scraping for survival with rocks and high explosives.