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Community Update 49

Rust art, bootcamp, and the best place to plan your base.

14 July 2015
aRandomHuman1 painted the header image. It's fan art of their Rust clan, and it makes me think of the Rust Saturday morning cartoon that doesn't exist. It obviously should exist, because I think it's important to teach children about the future world we're preparing for them, where knowing how to make a sword from wrench is probably of utmost importance. It's always nice to see people make art about Rust, particularly when it's in their own style. I like to see Rust contort a bit. That's what Lenny Bicknell does with his sketches. They're clearly Rust, but definitely his style. Here's a few he passed along to me on Twitter. All done by hand, no less. Hence the rather poor quality of the photographs.
Rust has pumpkin hats and guitars, so it's the perfect place for a tactical realism clan to spend some time. Youtuber RustyPirates visited BHC, a team of gamers organised along military lines. Rust also has the building tools to create an entire training camp for these guys, and they made Camp BHC. It's a barracks complete with obstacle courses and shouty instructors to teach players how to leap through windows and over traps, raid, shoot accurately, and survive the filming of a Stanley Kubrick movie. The cost of failure is... respawn!
One of the better player-created tools is the Rust Planner, a website that enables players to blueprint a base offline without having to worry about [OMG] AlphaDawg2 coming along with bad intentions and an axe. The functionality has grown, and now allows you to share bases and design them with a friend. Lots and lots of shared bases on reddit are concepted in the planner. The site is pretty popular, with 1000 people using it per-day. That has driven up costs. The team are hoping to grow the idea, with an iOS version, but obviously that costs money. Speaking of iOS, there's a new iThing server admin app available. RustySpoon iOS administration tool will allow you to see who's on your servers, and you can kick and ban with a stab of a thumb.
Mr Raid-Cam has been branching out a little. Youtuber Phaedo82's new series is already five episodes in, focussing on the bases that dot the landscape of the Rustopia server. Each week he looks at a number of bases, and as you'd expect from him he manages to pick out little details that the builders have added that informs and educates the viewer. See, learning can be fun! Worth watching. If your base is in there, I applaud your skillz.
If your base isn't in there, then this might help. Youtuber Scardigne has started a new series that looks at building techniques. He previously managed to squeeze ten furnaces in a single room, but this series looks at more general techniques that you might not be aware of, including basically emulating a half-block but with a triangle floor and walls. There's an obvious disclaimer that some of these tecnhniques could end up obsolete with game upgrades and bug fixes, but it looks like Scardigne's channel is a good resource for people looking to cram lots into a shack.
Senescent decided to show his family his favourite game. Penises will never not be funny. BTW, there will be no Community Update next week. Rust's lovely new water and delightful beaches have inspired me to take a holiday. I'm not going to use the rest of Rust for inspiration, though. The resort would probably frown on cannibalism.
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Now's the time to share your base designs, or get into the growing Raid Cam business. There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.


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