This is a neat idea that I, in my argumentative way, took to mean something else: it's redditor iEliteGamer's
Powerplant Callout Map. I thought he was using the image to challenge us on something we lied about. It was scary to go through every blogpost, every tweet, and every update to see where we'd been caught. Because, frankly, we lie all the time. I'm doing so right now, handsome. But it's actually a labelled diagram of the Powerplant dungeon, with areas highlighted for players to be able to confirm who is where when they're there. No more accidentally shooting then looting your best friend!

Now there is a slight issue in that the current Powerplant layout will change. Vince is fiddling with things, so this map will probably be obsolete by the next wipe cycle, but for now you can use it to 'call-out' a position. See? That's what it means. iEliteGamer has suggested they might continue in this endeavour. Please do, and I'll happily post them when they're done.