We've rolled out the new building system. There's a few things I want you to know about it so you don't get angry at the wrong things.
Building Plan
To place building blocks you need a Building Plan. Once you have crafted a plan and have it in your hands you can change the building component by holding down the right mouse button and left clicking on the part you want to use.

The blocks start out black. This means they have low health. You don't have to do anything - they gain health by themselves.

When looking at at block you'll get a tooltip showing its current health

If the placement of the block is unstable it will also show the stability as a percentage and the background of the health bar will turn red.
You can speed up the blocks health gain by giving them a whack with the hammer. This changes their regeneration speed - which falls back down to normal slowly - so a couple of hammer wacks is all you need to do.
When you're looking at a block with the hammer you can hold the right mouse button to see a menu. From here you can do things like upgrade/downgrade to another block type, rotate and demolish.

If available for a block, when upgrading to stone (or metal) the block's maximum health will increase. This will make the block turn dark again - you know what to do here.

Some melee weapons aren't very effective stone and metal, so it's a good idea to upgrade your blocks to one of those - especially exposed foundations.
Tool Cupboard
Some options on the hammer aren't available unless you're within the influence of an authorised tool cupboard. The tool cupboard makes it so only the people who are authorised with it can use building tools within its radius. The tool cupboard is craftable in the menu.

Once placed you should authorise yourself with it.

You will see information on the bottom left of the screen describing whether you're within its influence.
Work In Progress
All the models are basic geometry with placeholder textures right now. Real art will be coming soon. Some of the descriptions and icons are missing on the pie menu. The black overlay flickers sometimes. The placement guide block jumps all over the place. We're on it, don't worry.