Water Catchers
These are pretty much exactly what you are expecting. You place them outside somewhere and they slowly fill up with water. You can then transfer the water to a vessel (only the water bottle right now) or drink straight from the tap.

They come in two flavours, the mini (above) and the max (below).

You've probably already realised that we don't have any rain right now. You're right -- we don't -- and this update doesn't introduce any. And it doesn't operate differently in different biomes. This is all planned. Don't worry, we're not idiots.
UI Stuff
The 'selected item' box has been updated to accommodate the new 'items inside items' stuff that was bought by the catchers. The item actions are now scrollable, just in case we end up getting items with a shitload of actions. The splitting window has been cleaned up and has a little bit of help because it's unintuitive and I haven't ever seen anyone use it properly.
Miner Hat & Candle Hat
These hats used to break when they ran out of fuel, and they didn't actually take any fuel. Now they both consume low grade fuel and once it's expired they just run out.

You can replenish the fuel by dragging and dropping it onto the hat's icon in the inventory menu.
- Loadtime improvements.
- Laggy firefight improvements.
- Arrows and Spears should be easier to pick up.
- Arrows and Spears don't block gunfire and melee attacks.
- fps.limit is now saved properly.
- Context menu is now ordered properly (was ordered randomly).
- Client handles "server is full" properly.
- Fixed deploy guide not rendering some parts of the mesh.
Next Week