Cupboard Placement
We hate the cupboard. We're trying to phase it out over time, to make it less powerful and less required. We've changed it so you can only place a cupboard outside the sphere of influence of another cupboard, even if you own that other cupboard. Here's a diagram.

As you can see, as a builder you can no longer have 15 cupboards in your small 4x4 base. We don't think this is going to affect things as massively as people are acting like it will. At least not nearly as massively as when we completely remove it.
Corpse Stuff
A long standing problem with corpses was that they slide down hills or fall off cliffs, then become unlootable and unharvestable.
This was happening because ragdolls are clientside, but the "corpse" is serverside. So when a ragdoll moves too far away from a corpse, and then you try to loot it, the server says... 'Hang on! You can't loot the corpse from where you are, you're a liar.' This is because the ragdoll was meant to stay near the corpse, but it wasn't, it was ignoring it. This should finally be fixed now, along with a bunch of other ragdoll related bugs.
Steam Items
We're doing something a bit different with Vince's sign items. They work like normal items, you can find and research blueprints in game. But because they're decorative and don't influence gameplay, we also drop them randomly in the Steam inventory. Which means that if you're lucky enough to get one, you'll be able to craft them on any server. We're not selling these in the item store, but if you get a duplicate or need the cash, you can sell yours on the marketplace.
Also Valve has
added an item store to Steam, so now you can buy items from us without going into the game. This is a work in progress, so if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please let them or us know.
Block Removal
We removed the half-height block and the slanted block. You probably want to know why. You probably used them all the time, you probably think they were really really useful. Did you use them as a half height block and slanted block? Or did you use them to 'be creative'?
Well, we appreciate that creating shelves is now impossible. But we can make that possible again by adding, you know, shelves. We appreciate you can't create bunker style windows, but we can fix that by adding bunker style windows. You don't need these blocks, no-one used them for what they were for, so let's just cut the fat and get shit tight as fuck.
Door Animations
We converted the doors to use an animation system on the client and server. Previously doors were only animated on the client, and were animated through some "turn to this angle when open" junk, which worked fine for the doors we had, but obviously wasn't going to work for anything more complicated than that.
We have made them animated on the server too. This fixes a bunch of problems that kept cropping up, like not being able to fire a rocket through the gap in a closing door. Or not being able to use a door as a shield against a turret.
Memory Leak
I think we've found the memory leak. It's to do with shadows. It's apparently fixed in
Unity 5.2.3, which isn't out yet. So we're going to have to suffer for a week or so longer, sorry guys :(
Wipe Schedule
Our schedule right now is looking like this:
Today: Update
5th November: Update + Forced Wipe
19th November: Update
3rd December: Update + Forced Wipe
This isn't set in stone. This isn't a promise. This is our plan as of this exact moment.
Halloween Items
The community got themselves together to make
a bunch of Halloween items. Which is cool! So we've selected a few of them and put them on the store, and made them random drops. They'll be available until the day after Halloween, at which point we won't sell or drop them anymore, but if you've got one, you can keep and use it.
This seems like a fun seasonal thing to do, so we'll probably do more of this if the community makes the items.