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Community Update 179

Rust D&D, boats, art, and more.

10 April 2018
The first episode of Rust Quest, by the lovely Pitch Dank, is finally here. What is it? It's a D&D-based improvisational comedy set in our game world. A Rust-themed D&D session is played and recorded--using the excellent Tabletop Simulator with a Rust deck--before being edited down into an epsiode. That story is then filmed in Rust. Better to just listen to Shadowfrax as he walks you through it all in the intro. Watch! There's a lot going on, there. It's not your typical Rust video, or world. There's old porn, for one. But also incredibly mean banter between the heroes, which I'm sure will drive the show as much as the puzzles and missions. It has its own story and lore, so there will be surprises even if you know Rust. I'll be F5ing my whole week until the next episode is out.
Boats are now an official thing, so I've been poking around to see what people have been doing with them. Not just on Youtube, either: the other day I spent an hour just watching people in-game via the admin cam as they whirled around the island together. It makes me want to raise water level and rename the game 'Barnacles'. Here's Stimpee having a grand old time on the water, including delivering people to water junkpiles and leaving them there. And then there's Max Mears and his boat drive-bys. And finally, canyourubmybuddha has already managed to mod in a race track. I say 'finally', but there's loads more out there. We really love that the boats have made an impact.
Pughie has once again graced us with his art. Just a couple of scenes. On the left, TheSpeckledHorseman drew an angry, angry Rust player. On the right, D1nk_ made a bucket helmet and more. Art!
Hubba wrote and performed a song about Rust. That's almost a review.
In this week's skin round-up Xtab uncovered a medieval fresco furnace that I want and need. You guys are too good.
Reddit occasionally has a bit of fun with request posts that combines bad Photoshop and silly ideas, usually under the title 'Helk plz' or similar. I looked at them and now you should, too. Honestly, I laughed too hard at the turret. I'd usually link to the maker's profile, but I think not doing so will protect them.
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Share your base designs, show off a game-mode from your server, or have you done a cool thing with boats? There's a dedicated forum, or you can fish for upvotes in the sub reddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well.


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