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Community Update 200

The most ridiculous custom build we've ever seen, a deep dive into the Legacy map remake, a real-life Compound Bow, and more.

03 September 2018
Well, 200 of these. And here we are with a towering robot built out of our monuments heading the blog, courtesy of WheatleyMF of the Rust Cartographers Discord. I can't think of a better way to mark it as an occasion, really. The game's parts pulled apart then reassembled is basically the definition of what I wanted to do with this. Rust as the basis for your creativity, and this is probably the most literal version of that. I asked him 'wtf', and he said: 'It took ~6 hours to make this. I just thought "Hmm, custom maps are good, but what if I try to make a scene with a giant robot?" And here's the result.' It's not on a map, and it might never be, so enjoy those screens.
The Horde's Legacy remake map has come along a lot more quickly than I imagined it would. It's already at a place that's good enough to play on. I know that because there's bases all over the map, and when I hopped on to try to to build my own, I was shot in the back. Good times. Shadowfrax cast an eye over the latest update, so you can see how impressive Corrosive's work is. And if you want to see for yourselves, cut and paste this in the F1 menu: connect Here's an interesting notion. Purple Unicorn Of Death, from the Rusty Cartographers Discord, took some early concept art of the military tunnels and remade it. It's incredibly dark, so I've lightened what I can. Still, you might need to squint. That's all for now. I know there's lots of interesting things in the works regarding maps and editors. I can't wait to share them.
Burning Wrenches makes props. He's made a pile of amazing Rust props already, and has returned to build a Compound Bow. Out of flames, sparks, and blueprints, the bow is born. We never get to test the stuff we design, which is probably for the best, but to see it working is a real thrill. Thanks, Max!
If there's one thing guaranteed to make Good Content, it's someone imposing their own limits on how they play Rust. That's what Stimpee does in this video with Derka, where Stimpee carries the ammo and meds, and doles them out a single unit at a time to Derka. That means he only has a single arrow at any time to fire before begging for another from Stimpee. It places a lot of pressure on getting that single shot just right, and the scramble when it all goes wrong is a proper giggle. I almost think Stimpee getting involved is cheating, but it was still lots of fun. GG.
This is an interesting take on a community concept. LOLOUT is taking ideas from the community about things that could fit into the world of Rust, and making them. He's a 3D artist, and can take those concepts, and use his knowledge of Rust, to shine them up good. This ep: The Beancan Landmine. And here's the end result. I can see where this is heading: LOLOUT is going to find himself modelling some sort of penis weapon, and I'm going to watch to make sure that happens.
A couple of redditors have been making props. RustyMan271 made a Beancan Grenade, and KrjT built a SAP. Making that SAP in school was probably a tactical error. Glad it was all sorted out.
Just a save the date, or STD for short, regarding the next Charitable Rust, from the lovely people at Rustafied. This year's event will be at Nov. 17th, 2018 from 11am to 11pm EST! The 12 hour livestream will be in aid of Charity: Water. Last year over $53k was raised. We can't wait to see how this year goes. Sign up to the site if you want to take part.
It was the moonwalk in Matheus Faoro's video that eventually made me crack. And not a single explosion.
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Share your map designs, show off a game-mode from your server, let us see your cool base. There's a dedicated forum, or you can fish for upvotes in the subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well.


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