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Community Update 203

Mazes, art, custom maps, and more.

25 September 2018
I honestly can't remember who started the cut-out style of Rust artwork we see the community making every month, but it's been a staple for a good while now. ciciocosmin is already familiar with it, having made one of my favourites. And they've made two more in the past week. Hopefully more to come. I might as well throw in Mr SeiF's take on it as well. Thanks for all the art. This week is a tad short thanks me taking some time off.
The lovely, and calming, presence of Snowballfred walks us through some of the features of the latest Rust Edit map maker. It's come a long way in a few months. Here's an interesting thing to look at: the game has moved so far from Legacy that it's actually tough for The Horde to recreate the Legacy map. As he's been working on the remake, Corrosive's had to come up with a few tricks to really nail that old, brown, look. The tundra biome has been applied to the whole map. They've also mixed up the trees. WheatleyMF is still working on Savage, and gave me a few screens. It's looking very atmospheric. And Modgey has been making a custom oil rig monument. All of this is, in some form or other, from the Rustography Discord.
He's gone from a solo gun master to a pumpkin patch Snap Trap deviant, but Welyn still tells excellent little stories of life in Rust. "When you were partying, I studied the blade..."
Sometimes server owners, like Rust Headquarters, grab a bunch of mods and make Rust a bit different. Here they have a maze run for people to take on, then there's a car race, followed by a Chinook fight, because why not? I love knowing that I could pop into a Rust server and find all that going on.
PyrooTv gets that sinking feeling. We should make Low Grade float...
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Share your map designs, show off a game-mode from your server, let us see your cool base. There's a dedicated forum, or you can fish for upvotes in the subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well.


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