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Community Update 209

Electric contraptions, cool maps, great art, Rust's Wild West, and more.

27 November 2018
The header is ciciocosmin's "The Sad Story of the Lonely Naked", which we've all been at some point. And in the game*. It's not the only artwork he made this week, either. *I get one of those jokes a year. Lovely work, ciciocosmin.
As before, this is all work being tested out on the staging branch of Rust, where an early implementation of electricity is running. It's subject to change. The Horde is running an electric city on their Staging Branch. It's really worth hopping on to see what's being made, especially of Oxum is online. He's been working on a series of tests, seeing how solar panels draw power on his roof, how storage works, how to set timers. His buildings are really worth looking at. Of course, that sort of work isn't easy. Here's Shadowfrax to walk you through building a basic clock. And here's Vice, with a much longer look at an incredibly complex build of a computer. I doubt it can run Rust.
One of my favourite discoveries of 2018 has been the roleplaying skills of BunsenOW and friends on the Rust Factions subreddit. I specifically went there to see if they'd worked on anything with the new electrical components, but instead I encountered their Rust cowboy RP. As it happens, this is a new mini era for Rust Factions, so people are rapidly setting things up. This here's Tombstone, y'all. Usually Rust Factions has a Badlands area, where the rules are slightly slacker than the main towns and cities. This wipe has a different take on that: the Badlands will start off in small 'tiles' in each corner and as a single tile on every monument and quarry. It'll spread out from there one tile in every direction, once per day, unless the factions can hold it off with claims. Sounds really fascinating.
This is Unreloaded, via unreloaded cl. It's actually a fairly old map, but I missed it when it came out a couple of months ago. I am making up for that today. Floating islands? Check! Long bridges? Check! Crystals? Double check! We have a custom map, people. But as WheatleyMF often demonstrates, there's more to mapping than maps. Here's another scene build from him, using our assets to craft some angry metal gods. Maps don't need to be huge to be impressive. Some of my favourite things have been simple builds. Like this little fast food joint that Trentos made. Nom!
As a Youtuber, Frost always had a style of his own, with little cinematic flourishes to his raids. He took some time off the game, but it appears he's returning. He started with a recap of moments from over the years. Welcome back, Frost!
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Share your map designs, show off a game-mode from your server, let us see your cool base. There's a dedicated forum, or you can fish for upvotes in the subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well.


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