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Community Update 232

Trust in Rust recap, Woodworking, Gmod crossovers, Hotels, and more!

26 April 2021
Last year Rustoria teamed up with hJune to launch a series of Base Invader tournaments to gather all of the content creators to raise money for charity. 194 Teams $207,310 Raised Lots of chaos
Sven did a bang-up job and the last Trust in Rust recap! Keep an eye out for more info on future charity tournaments!
Well, someone finally did it! Rust inside Gmod. And it works amazingly! Some of you OG's may recognize those footstep noises :) Mr. Memeio went to check it out, seems like he had a good time with it.
This month we have Dairygold! Rust's newly Twitch-partnered Milk Man. "I’ve been streaming vanilla Rust for about a year. I’ve always looked up to the greats. hJune was a huge inspiration. I started streaming after running into ItsJewer in game. He showed me the ropes on Twitch. Gaming comes second to family for me, which means late streams as a way to chill after nutty days at work and home. For me, gaming has always been about fun, so winning or losing, I try to find the fun every stream. "Approaching the game with a positive attitude doesn’t mean shying away from revenge raids, or not dominating servers. We do plenty of that." "But, embracing the open world nature of Rust in a non-toxic way unlocks so much potential for fun. Any server on any night can take you in any direction, and that’s the magic of Rust for me. " Twitch or follow his stories on Youtube!
Who knew we had so many players good at woodworking? User u/TOMBAA6 started a project of carving a fancy rust logo! Can't wait to see the finished piece!
My dude u/mybeeper made a life-size tool cupboard. Mind blown. I kinda want one.
MikeTheVike was invited to tour the Pipe N' Poob Tavern & Hotel. They have 4 different tiers of rooms to purchase, they take care of upkeep and security. Pretty swanky setup! Poob plans to do another massive community hotel in July so keep an eye out for that if you want to check it out!
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit. Cover art by ebuzercaner!