The new player models are finally going in this week. We had a couple of nasty issues related to how the build server dealt with some of the changed files which accounted for the delay (and several subtracted merges). All those issues are now resolved so I've been able to chase down some of the smaller issues before this week's patch.
We've introduced a much greater number of face variations than previously, and as a result you'll have your race re-rolled. This might mean you stay exactly the same (albeit with a new face), but I'd guess most people will experience a switch around. Gender will stay the same.

The bodies have also recieved a pass, although it's less of a change than the faces (same rig, so there's not a not of wiggle room in the proportions). It's primarily a texture pass to take advantage of Diogo's recent shader work, although there are some small geometry changes, such as slightly wider male shoulders, and geometry to assist with some problematic deformations.

I also took a quick pass at our player preview lighting, which has needed some attention for a while. Although there were two lights in the preview, both casting shadows, they kinda cancelled each other out so the lighting looked flat and unnatural. I've tweaked it to be a little more flattering, and to reflect nicely off specular surfaces, giving a bit more depth to clothing materials.

Clothing clipping is always a problem and will probably be worse on some items. With each character having different races, gender, scaling, etc. over many different animations and poses, it's difficult to spot all the problem areas on the first pass. I'll continue to adjust them over the coming weeks as they crop up.
The first iteration of hair will be going into the build this week as an uncraftable/non-spawning piece of attire (although at one point this week it was possible to find some uhhh "body hair" in crates, whoops!). Admins, however, will be able to spawn them if they please, although bear in mind the system is far from finalised.
Matt and Diogo have been working on a morphing system to fit the hair styles to different hats and helmets, the tech is good to go, so when it's implemented the hair styles will dynamically adjust to match your attire.