Now that the viewmodels are using a single consistent rig, I've gone back to the viewmodel clothing I prototyped a couple of months ago.
It's something that's been requested pretty frequently, but it takes a fair bit of effort to get something that looks acceptable, and even then we'll have to make some concessions in the detail we're able to display. The items were all designed with the criteria of being seen on another player, showing them on the viewmodel is displaying them many, many times larger than the polycount and texture resolution was intended for (particularly visible on the Burlap Shirt, bottom right) and unfortunately upping that resolution isn't a viable option due existing skins being authored at a specific resolution.

Despite these issues, it's pretty awesome to pull out a gun and see what you're wearing after all these years of staring at your naked hands.
I've done a pass of most of the attire items that will display on the viewmodel, although I think I'll go back and add just a
little more geometry to try and eliminate some of the artifacting. I should be able to get them finished off next week, provided there are no major issues, ready to hand off to a programmer to get them implemented.