Over the weekend I posted on reddit asking for people to report bugs and annoyances. And they did. I filled
our tracker with 191 new bugs and this week have been working through them.
Building Part Balances
Triangle foundations and triangle floors take up half the space, so it makes sense that they should cost half the resources. So they do. Half the resources to place, and half the resources to upgrade. They also have the same "shell" protection as their non triangle siblings.
Floors, doors, pillars, half wall, doorway wall, window wall and foundation steps cost less too. This just seems to be logical. Pillars and half wall are smaller, so they should obviously cost less. The doorway wall and window wall kind of need something else to complete them - so they should cost less too.
The maximum health of doors, window bars, pillars and the low wall has been lowered. They still have the same protection values.
You can only rotate your items for a 10 minutes after they've built. No more stairway valts - sorry. To make up for this you can demolish a block for up to 10 minutes too!
Lots of balancing has been on the cards for a long time, and I've finally got around to it this week.
The C4 now only damages the building component it was placed on. This is in-line with Legacy and we're hoping it will be used more tactically. It will still damage players in the blast radius.
The Codelock no longer needs a blueprint. Half of the community want this, and half don't. Our feeling is that the way you find blueprints right now kind of sucks, and is going to be changed in the future. With all this in mind this seems like a fair solution.
The Pump Shotgun and its blueprint should spawn more often. I was debating whether to make this a default blueprint like the codelock change, but I figured that on balance this, as an offensive weapon, should be found.
Yes crafting gunpowder sucks. It sucks less since the crafting UI changes, but it still sucks. Now it crafts twice as fast. Well, it doesn't technically, it just gives you twice as much per craft (and obviously needs twice as much ingredients)
The servers hate your 20 furnace bases. They hate how you let them spit out charcoal everywhere. So now furnaces make less charcoal, but to make up for that when the charcoal spills out the fire and hits another piece of charcoal, it will stack onto it. The despawn timer gets reset on stack
Bone Size
Players are now randomised, and you've probably already heard about it. It's kind of funny: all the work we do every week, all the gameplay advances, all the bug fixes, all the new features... it never gets picked up by the gaming press. But then we make it so your penis changes size and suddenly it gets picked up everywhere.

So the real story here isn't so much about penis size, but the whole body. Your whole body size is now randomized. This changes the player silhouette just enough to make your friends recognisable at a decent distance. Like your skin colour, this is based on your SteamID.
UI Tweaks
A bunch of UI tweaks this week too. You can now right-click in loot to automatically drag it into your inventory. It will show a timer, then be dragged in.

You know how sometimes you'd drag stuff into a storage box, and you'd miss one of the slots and it'd drop it in the world? Well I got rid of the gap between them, so you can't do that anymore. I did already do this to the main inventory, but I overlooked the boxes.
The campfire and furnace have a couple of upgrades. They now have and on/off button, which means you don't have to keep exiting the menu to switch the fire on and off. The fuel that is currently being burned has a fire icon now too.
You can now drink from the water catcher via the UI by clicking the drink button. I disabled being able to drag the water from the water catcher and into the world. It was weird.
I disabled selecting the contents of stuff, because it got confusing. For example, a candle hat. Selecting it shows the selection panel, then on the selection panel you have the fuel, selecting the fuel replaces that panel with the panel for the fuel. It was weird too.
Movement Changes
Fixed footsteps playing when not moving. Jesus fucking Christ, I should have done that about 6 months ago, but that was what this week was about.
Players now move silently when they're crouching. This is quite a big change that we're hoping will lead to more stealth, observing and generally slower gameplay.
Everything Else
- Fixed being able to wear hide boots over other shoes.
- Codelock gives small electric shock on failure.
- Fixed some tree normal textures not being set as normals.
- On Community HUD images are blank before loading from URL.
- Added OverlayTOP to Community HUD (to show UI on top of everything).
- Added player flag VoiceMuted for mods.
- Added player flag ThirdPersonViewmode for mods.
- Fixed locks not always showing properly on wooden storage.
- Make sure all sounds are controllable by volume controls.
- Fixed wolves dropping multiple skulls.
- Fixed campfire/furnace pretending to be on after server restart.
- Aligned bolt rifle ironsights.
- Fixed items disappearing when dropped onto wooden boxes in the inventory.
- Server Console reports invalid commands properly.
- Fixed wrong description on pumpkin.
- Restricted sleep command to admins.
- Increased grenade throw power.
- Fixed horse/chicken ragdolls not bleeding.
- Added network data caching.
- Moved player persistence folder to UserPersistance.db.
- Fixed some item names showing as Translate+Phrase.
- Optimized inventory menu performance.
- Fixed some prefab errors.
- Updated to Unity 5.1.1.
- Grass treads down on lower shader level.
- Grass no longer gets dragged down into caves.
Next Week
Sarah is making me go on holiday for a couple of weeks. I'm taking my laptop anyway but I don't know how much I'll actually do. I should be around to help the team with the patch at least.