Entering 2021 Rust was on track to have its most successful starting month to date, we were not quite prepared to have the player base double within 4 days. Thanks to Twitch and YouTube creators, particularly OfflineTV and Egoland this caused a huge surge of new players shooting Rust into Steam's top-selling game globally over consecutive days.
Here are some of January 2021 statics:
Game Stats
- 244,000 Concurrent Players
- 48,000,000 Game Launches
- 32,000 Servers Online
- 31,000 Banned accounts
- 1,200,000 in game bug, feedback and cheat reports
Twitch Stats
- 1,373,000 Concurrent Viewers
- 9,100,000 Twitch Drops Earned
- 5,500,000 Twitch Drops Claimed
- 134,000,000 Hours Watched
- 883,000,000 Total Views
- 981,000 Hours Broadcasted
Here are some of Rust's lifetime stats as of January 2021:

It's not all roses and rainbows when you have such a sudden boost in popularity. You start seeing cracks forming in the foundations, most noticeable for us the server browser was never intended to handle such a large amount of servers. Without going into the technicality this has resulted in many servers not displaying for users and causing a lot of frustration for server owners. We're currently working on and exploring solutions so please bear with us.
Anticheat also has fell victim to the spike In popularity. We're continuing to work with EAC and reviewing our efforts. During January we surpassed half a million banned accounts in total. We issued six hotfixes to tackle several cheat related exploits, today's patch will contain further anticheat measures.