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11 February 2014
Information We don't know how stable it's going to be, so we're testing it out on our official servers to make sure it all works before forcing it on everyone else. If you get kicked from the official servers with the message that you've been banned then you have been caught. You're a naughty boy. You know what you have done. You won't get unbanned. We know it was your 9 year old cousin. We know your computer got hijacked. We know that the CIA is getting you banned from all your games on Steam so you will join them in the hunt for aliens. We're aiming to get a site set up for people that have been banned so they can go and see proof that they've been caught. CheatPunch isn't the answer to all of our prayers. It's a stop gap solution. It's going to get rid of a bunch of cheaters, but it's not hard to get around (by design). We fully expect cheats to be touted as 'CheatPunch proof' quite soon. That's cool. We're never going to be finished fighting. If server owners want to run it on their servers they can do by updating to the latest version and running with "-cheatpunch" on the command line.


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