If Rust had an eagle, it would have this view. As it is, we have server admins, plug-ins, and post-processing, which are a bit less elegant than nature, but have the bonus of not pooping on you from above. Server owner
innominatargh generated what I believe is the first map view of a proc-gen level. It wasn’t easy. He had to use a server plug-in to teleport around the map, stitch the pieces together in Photoshop, remove the UI and tweak exposure settings. He even replaced the water. The result speaks for itself.
Now I want to see if a map can be made that shows of all the buildings. That's the next step.
After looking at this image, Facepunch's Forbidden Chatroom of Mystery started talking about the possibilities of mapping servers “just for fun”. That said, I’m in favour it coming into the game, perhaps having a map be an ultra-rare object using Howie’s satellite dish to gather the data. But I am just a writer man. Curse my lack of programming skills!
As usual, the Rust community used the idea to consider other ideas. The view brought up some
talk of bridges spanning those gaps. Which leads me neatly onto the top image: another piece of
speculative fan art by aledroid, again. Who needs bridges?