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Community Update 137

The Noob Army makes it to 100 episodes, Tower Crash, how to become a Rust Youtuber, and more.

23 May 2017
Hello! This is all a bit new, isn't it? I realise the value of the Community Update isn't just that I get to show people your cool stuff, but that we can test our cool stuff out as well. Garry's still working on the new site, so any feedback is appreciated. The header is from Tower Crash: an invention by The Mare of Youtube, Shadowfrax. Two teams stand on top of four towers apiece, firing rockets at each other and attempting to wreck the opposition's citadel. This episode he made it very personal, as the two team leaders are Tank Girl and Vertiigo. Zuckles is aboard, too. That went exactly as I imagined it would, but was still thoroughly entertaining. And it's not the only video with Vertiigo this month.
There's no denying that Vertiigo has amassed a ridiculous amount of high quality Rust videos for his fans. A quantifiable amount, as a matter of fact. This is the 100th episode of his Noob Army series, and he does the unthinkable in it. He turns the noobs into a war machine. It's great, but I think the best bit is the speech at the War Council. He turns his head, taking in the gathering. There, on the right, is a man using a pair of binoculars from about a metre away. Glorious. The ending was very Blackadder Goes Forth. There's also a part two that made me cry with laughter. Congratulations, mate. And that's the funniest stoning since Monty Python.
I love that MikeTheVike takes the time out of running his server to take us on base tours of what people have made. His server is host to plenty of variation and scale. This one is from a couple of weeks ago. I'd offer my base up for a tour, but one by ones with a naked begging for low grade fuel don't make for good footage.
Not a huge amount of art this week, but Blam on the Steam Community turned out this mashup of Rust and some sort of zombie cuddle pile. I would not chase after that airdrop. I also really liked Ancrathian's use of art in place of a sunset. This piece of art is a tease. I mean that literally. It's a test by Pitch Dank and Swemba for a new animated Rust series they're working on. Here's the very beginning of what I hope will be something awesome. I like the little flinch they give when he raises the gun.
This is a good little video for anyone looking to crank out hot Rust content on Youtube. Having watched more Rust videos than is good for me, I spent the 10 minutes it takes to watch it waiting for a punchline that never came, but that didn't matter as it's good stuff by Mister Flak. Though he did forget to mention OTT thumbnails. Via the all-too-quiet Ruigi. Come back to us!
Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Here's Xtab's weekly dive into the skin workshop. <3.
A message from Banana Duck that concerns everyone. Yes, even you. Take heed.
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Share your base designs, show off a game-mode from your server, or have you done a cool thing with Code Locks and Vending Machines? There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.


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