Speaking of platforms, I was merrily skipping along the desert--enjoying that moment between the day and night when the sky burns pink and everything seems calm and welcoming--when I spotted this on the horizon. It was 65 floors tall and built on a 17 by 17 base.

It's probably the single biggest build I've ever personally encountered in NuRust: so big that the inside held a separate base for the builder to hide in. The outside took four hours to build, and the inside was a three-day build. It was huge, but surprisingly lag-free.

The view inside. You can see how the draw distance struggled to keep up with the building's height: that blue was actually filled in.

Of course, the view from the top was pretty special.

The server has since been wiped, but I've made Wessink promise to let me know before he starts on another massive build, so I can arrange to document it from beginning to end.