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Community Update 220

Dioramas, databases, and ...The End?

29 January 2020
Community Support
United States
Twitter user strawOK wanted to fill a void on his computer desk. He went all "extra" and made an entire Rust diorama and it looks awesome! "I really only enjoy playing rust. its my favorite game off all time, I was never one to play alot of games but when i had found rust i managed to put over 6,000 hours into the game over 2ish years really enjoyed it and thought making something for my new desk i was getting $60 later and 2ish weeks it was finished."
Our friend VERTiiGO is back with another Parable narrative. In case you haven't seen the first one you can catch it here. A ton of thought went into these. Both are worth the watch!
Ever wonder how much damage a snap trap actually does? Or how many bone clubs you'll need to noob raid that wooden wall? Where to find a blue keycard? Fear not, has you covered. They've gone into great detail with their database and it's super simple to use. Fully itemized, down to how long things take to de-spawn if you want to be that guy.
ScaryFaerie is on our radar this month. She's been a part of the Rust community for quite some time. Her main method of content comes from Twitch Streams. She's hilarious and doesn't take any crap! "Hey! I'm ScaryFaerie and I have been playing Rust since 2016. Rust's open sandbox world & cutthroat attitude immediately attracted me as a player, and I've been hooked ever since I started. Early 2019, I met the very talented Rust content creators Wilsonator & Rcham through Twitter who urged me to start streaming. I'm glad I listened to them, because with their help, I was very quickly able to quit my two jobs and do Twitch & Youtube full time. Starting out my career as a content creator and building my platform, the people who have inspired me the most are Panoots, Stimpee, BernE, and my boyfriend Hexloom.
Rust section of Twitch!"
One of her montages.
Rust Empires made a Christmas Kraken!!
MyNameIsMikey made a Rust parody rap. :) Oh yeah we added fireworks too! Hex went ham. Never seen anyone so excited to get 2 FPS.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse.


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