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Community Update 221

Hazzy artwork, solo plays, and vending machines with attitudes.

21 February 2020
Community Support
United States
Listen, I know I featured Scary last month but this sexy boi was too good to leave out so I'm doing it again. She did this on live stream!
Our pal Shadowfrax put a sassy spin on outpost vending machines. I think we need more of these! Can this be the start of a new series? frax plz
I don't know who remember's Filthy Frank (now Joji) but apparently he's a musician? Who knew. Anyhoo, he recently released a new song and Snow Cult did an amazing Rust cover on it.
This month we have stinks twinks Sinks! "I first got into Rust from watching Zuckles, Faceless and Soup back in the day- at the time I was enjoying the call of duty games and editing montages for stupid kids that spin in circles and no scope across the map. Sadly for me at the time I only had a Toshiba laptop when editing so was unable to play Rust but the urge to play it resonated in me, after a couple years editing cod montages I saved up and bought myself a desktop PC and finally got myself started out on Rust around 2017/18, running the game on a whopping 25-60fps and still enjoying the hell out of every moment. I would play Rust with my IRL friends and one day I was patrolling the beach with my spear and met JordanRants (at the time had no clue who the hell this random guy with full gear was that wanted to build a hotel) but I had nothing better to do so I accepted. A couple weeks later I saw his video on youtube and realised how awesome it was- I met him again a few times playing the same server and had some more funny encounters until we became friends- he persuaded me to get into content creation and I finally decided to start making my own content: trial and error took me to the point I'm currently at but there have been so many awesome people who have helped me along the way in order to reach the point I'm currently at- they know who they are. Throughout my time in the Rust community I must say, overall it's been a pleasure to be apart of, and I've met so many awesome people and content creators along the way- I'm just happy to be here." In this video he talks smack to a bunch of animals. :) Worth mentioning his video snippets on twitter are pretty good too.
From the creators of Rustangelo we bring you the Rust Instrument version: Rustissimo! Now you can create and join concert performances with your buds and pretend like you're actually that organized! You can grab either of them on Steam! |
That's a face of pure joy.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse.


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