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Community Update 234

Custom Map Contest, IFTTT Setups, Incoming DLC content, and more!

25 June 2021
As you may have heard the buzz, we have a new DLC coming July 1st, 2021.
What's included:
  • Cassette Recorder
  • 3 lengths of cassette
  • Boom Box
  • Portable Boom Box
  • 3 dance gestures
  • Megaphone
  • Microphone Stand
  • Music Light
  • Music Lasers
  • Disco Floor (Multiple variants)
  • Connected speaker
  • Mobile Phone
  • 7 achievements
Can add it to your wishlist to get a notification when it goes live!
We recently added IFTTT (If This, Then That) support for the mobile Rust+ app to integrate with in-game events notifying you of said events while you're outside of the game. Mr. Bengals put a fun spin on it and did a tutorial to show how the whole thing works. And to bust my chops.
A reminder the Rust map competition is still running: We're looking for one standout map which we'll run across multiple Facepunch servers. We want to see everyone's best works, this competition will hopefully encourage new and old mappers to present more diverse, unique custom maps and help the custom mapping community grow.

Prize pool

  • Submitted map ran on multiple Facepunch small official servers for the duration of 2 months.
  • Map showcased in the community blog
  • £90 worth of skins
  • 3 items of Rust merch
  • Rust Sunburn, instruments and upcoming DLC keys
  • Bragging rights
Runner up
  • Map showcased in the community blog
  • £50 worth of skins
  • 2 items of Rust merch
  • Rust Sunburn, instruments and upcoming DLC keys


  • Worldsize 3200-3700 limit
  • No third-party plugins/mods aside from Harmony mods (No Oxide/uMod)
  • One entry per person / team
  • Closing date for submission - July 14th 2021
  • The map must be original and not have been released publicly prior
  • Maps with poor performing areas (low FPS) will be rejected
  • Maps must be inkeeping with Rust's theme, progression and balance. Example:
    • Must use keycard progression
    • No fantasy style maps, floating rocks / islands
    • No gravity defying constructions


Submissions will be judged based on the following:
  • Creativity
  • Balance
  • Fun
  • Polish
  • Detail/design
Judging will be performed by Facepunch Staff.

How To Submit

Submission link: Once the maps have been submitted, they will be reviewed for quality, no feedback will be given until the winner is announced. The winning entry may be requested to make additional changes prior to launch. The winner and runner up will be announced in July's community blog.


This competition is run by Facepunch Studios Ltd at Concept House, Elmore Green Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, UK. The competition ends on July 14th 2021. One entry per person/team. The winner and runners-up will be selected based on which map Facepunch thinks is the most original/creative and any decisions Facepunch makes will be final. The winner and runner up must claim their prizes within one month of the closing date (which Facepunch may exchange for an alternative of the same or greater value). Our modding guidelines apply to any map/content you make for the competition:

Learn More

Get involved! If you're new to the Rust map-making scene and wanting to get involved please check out the following resources:
Weed farmers have their own jingle!
If you've been around the Rust scene since dirt you'll be familiar with ThatGermanGuy. He's one of our OG's and specializes in upcoming skin releases and new content. "I first got rust right when it launched and loved how different it was from the few other survival PvP games out there. I wasn't very good and honestly didn't know what to do and didn't play much until a buddie of mine set up a public server. It was on there i had some of my first goofy and proper unique interactions in Rust and i was hooked from there. What Kept me and has always kept me coming back to this game is how it is always changing. no other game is like it or gives the feelings of joy, pain, excitement and the rush of never knowing whats around each bend and behind every tree. The weekly content for years and even now almost 8 years later still have month updates keeping the game fresh. "What's coming" series and later with my Skin Picks and Preview Videos! The community is also the other reason this game keeps me coming back, despite how much this game can turn from a good day to nightmare, depending on your luck that day, the majority of the community has spent years coming together with countless charities and thoughtful events! Rust really is just like nothing else and always inspires me!" Here's his sneak peek t the new DLC coming next week!
Here we have a fan-made card deck with a Rust theme! They turned out great!
I just want the world to see what a bad day for Rpold looks like.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit. Cover art by Xacku!


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