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Community Update 236

Charitable Rust, Skin contest, Dark Horse RP Server, and more!

01 October 2021
Community Support
United States
Charitable Rust is right around the corner (Nov 20th) and to kick things off they are running a skin contest!  Each year we work with Rustafied to put a handful of exclusive skins on the store where 100% of the proceeds go to charity.

This year the chosen charity is Preemtive Love.

If you're a skin maker and are interested in contributing to the contest head over to their Steam Event Post to get the details on how to enter, rules, and cutoff dates.

Remember to use #CR2021 in your workshop submission to be considered!

If you're a live streamer looking to participate in the event and raise money for charity head here to sign up.

In case you haven't caught wind of this yet, Twinklecave and her band of misfits have put together an RP server for dedicated Rust creators to get their roleplay on without fear of streamsnipers or drama.

Season 3 of Dark Horse starts on Thursday, October 21st.  It is application/invite only.  They will open up applications to dedicated Rust creators a week or two before the event (around October 9th).  Stay tuned for more info on that.
Watch her twitter for announcements and application info.

Tyquonne just released part 2 of the Dr. Scrap chronicles from Dark Horse Project.  Part one here if you missed it.

And then there's Bengals...
Some of the contact card portraits are wild.

Shoutout to BeccaSomething as most of these are her contribution! :)
Some super sweet digital art next to the original.
If you frequent Tiktok you may have come across the original.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Cover art by BlahsDoodles!


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