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community update 241

Charity tournaments, teaser trailer, amazing artwork, shark attacks, and more!

21 April 2022
Community Support
United States
We are excited to announce an upcoming charity event with the Reddit servers!

On Saturday April 30th at 2:00PM EST, the Reddit PlayRust & Rust Arcade Team will be hosting their first ever charity event for Youth Mental Health.

You can read more about AIM and their goal of addressing the increase of mental health issues in our youth at Our AIM is to bring as much attention to this cause as possible as it is a growing issue in our world today.

The event is an 18 team "Bed Wars" tournament, inspired from Minecraft, which will consist of all your favorite content creators in Rust today! The event will be casted by Picco, CoconutB, while Kaz & Kaileyca will be casting it from PlayRust Reddit's own Twitch channel

How it works:

Players will spawn into the match and are given 5 minutes to build a basic base before all the mayhem beings. After that, the PVP begins and you will start upgrading your gear. There will be a 20 minute grace period where you can not be raided. You will then have 50 minutes where you will be able to raid the other teams & destroy their bases. At the end of this stage, the remaining teams & their bases will all be teleported to the arena for a final battle. There's a short tutorial video on how this game mode works.

Teams are as follows:

  • Team Enardo (lucas & DyannaTV)
  • Team Blooprint (Disfigure & Frost)
  • Team Posty (Deathwingua & Albin)
  • Team Taunted (Tacularr & Hardstuck)
  • Team Winndygaming  (Bluelol & TOP)
  • Team Nora (21_Vivid and EdRust_)
  • Team Blizzard (JordanPants & Royal Viking)
  • Team Wugti (Moondog_tv & Rusty23)
  • Team Captain Myko (Funji & DotFunker)
  • Team Jewer ( LaPaizle & Jiffy_god)
  • Team Pablo (Kimchi & Omni) 
  • Team iRisk (Swales & Willjum)
  • Team Plyushka ( Мейби кексик? & CoJIucTKa)
  • Team bk_ftw (aspect & OctZhang7)
  • Team Riqqeloff (Snuffyfluffy & ArkM)
  • Team Ella (ChipDingle & Rpold)
  • Team hJune (r00t9r & Trausi)
  • Team JusJam  (BigChase & TommeeGuns)

All proceeds from this event will go directly to AIM via their Tiltify donation page - Hope you tune in!

In an effort to help creators finalize content from the previous patch update, we've now introduced a beta branch on Steam called 'last month.'
This can be accessed by right clicking Rust in your Steam library (release version, not staging) and choosing 'Properties', then under the 'Betas' tap select "last-month" from the drop-down menu.
Going forward, this branch will update with each force wipe to feature the previous month's build. Hopefully this should help anyone accessing demos from the last force wipe or are still working on videos and need the previous build.

Note: the branch currently features this month's April update in preparation for next month's patch.
Humen was recently contracted to make a trailer for a new Rust server and it turned out amazing.  He's also got some really nice still shots from his render. (we used one for the cover!)

Very well done!

This month we have Jennifer! She's a hoot and great with the roleplay side of things but can also still wield a shark gun.
"I'm Jennifer (AKA: Lady Jennifer) from Colorado, USA. I first got into Rust after watching a youtuber named Normal Difficulty do some trolling.  I started playing in January of 2016 and was hooked.

Early on, youtubers like Ramsey, Vertiigo, and JordanPants (who sucks at Fall Guys) made me love watching Youtube videos of Rust and are still inspirations to me to this day. After meeting Enardo, he convinced me that I should start streaming and I am so glad I listened to him.  And from there I've been very fortunate and have grown an AMAZING community and it is thanks to them that I can do this as a job full time. 

Rust interactions are the most random and funniest experiences I've had playing online games and they keep me coming back."

Slaur3n/Crowhill Studios is back at it with an animated cartoon parody featuring Lifestomper's elite cliffdiving skills.

Ninooo made a super exciting golden Easter egg!

Rust Community crafted us a little spot on r/place earlier this month!  It eventually turned into BUST then ROST. ggs

Project Nova just created a new custom monument & they have it up and payable on their Mars server!

If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Cover art by Humen!


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