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Community Update 246

Charitable Rust Skin Contest, Hemp Base Empires, Rust Pro's, Penguins, and more! 

16 September 2022
Community Support
United States
Charitable Rust is back!

Saturday November 19th & Sunday November 20th, 2022

For 2 days Rustafied will be hosting a charity event to raise money for World Central Kitchen.  WCK is first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises all over the globe.

To kick things off we're starting with the skin contest.  These very limited skins will be part of the Twitch drops & Item store purchases surrounding the event.

If you are a skin creator and want to have a shot at getting your work into the game, this contest is for you!  All proceeds go towards charity!

Contest Rules

  • Use #CR2022 as official contest tag in workshop.
  • No re-uploading old or previously submitted skins.
  • Do not steal or use any copyrighted or otherwise trademarked content.
  • Must be 100% original work (can work with others if all are listed on workshop page).
  • Must follow all basic workshop submission rules and standards.
  • If using the World Central Kitchen logo, it cannot be used on any weapon skins. Only the Charitable Rust logo may be used on weapon skins.
  • Submissions must be high quality and Hi-Res, normals properly done/baked.
  • Cannot contain offensive or sexual content.
  • Don’t forget upload limit for the amount of skins you may submit.
  • Skins must be submitted by midnight(23:59) PST September 30, 2022.

Please see full details here on how to enter and what to expect!

If you're a content creator/streamer and want to participate check out their info on how to sign up!

We'll post more info about the event as we get closer.
Just a little 2x2 with an extension on the back.  Movie magic.
This month we have a little penguin you might know as BlizzardID!

"I got into Rust after watching a Frankieonpc video in 2013, back when the game was still on browser. At the time, I was playing a lot of the Arma2 DayZ mods so figured it was right up my alley. I played it on and off but wasn't properly hooked until early 2016. I had just dropped out of University and finally had the right amount of time to enjoy the game.

What's always made me fall back in love with this abusive relationship of a game, is the thrill of having all of your hours of effort taken away, but on the flip side being able to do it to others too. It makes everything feel so much more exhilarating and gives fights a lot more meaning than in any other game I've ever played.

After watching some Trausi and Bchillz I decided to post some of my clips and videos on Youtube, which did pretty well for that time. Sadly I was also an anxious mess having my motivation fade in and out. Youtube's income was basically a coinflip and I wanted a bit more stability. That's when I decided to take a break from things for the next 3 years and got a degree.

In that time is when I would really come to enjoy streaming, mainly due to the back and forth jokes you can get from chat. I'm happy that my caveman ass got to meet so many people through this weird game of hitting rocks with rocks."

Nice save!
It's not every day your base build restrictions line up with a doorcamper in your airlock, but when they do... Kira seized the opportunity.

User _Dareon_ asked his noob friend to start a compound and, well..
flyingovermyhead likes to torture his victims

Some days are good and some days are bad.  Sorry Cameron0f

Rabb8 has an idea that should be protected at all costs!  Turrets, cages, windows, spotlights.
hJune said he would cancel me if I put this in the blog but I don't negotiate with terrorists.

If you're wondering how hJune & CoconutB got to this point they ghosted a big group on hardcore.

I was lucky enough to watch this stream in real time and I have to say it was one of the more entertaining ones!

While we're here....
Coming soon!

October 6th-12th, 2022

Agustabell and some of the biggest names in the Spanish streamer community will be participating in a 7 day event!

450 players, slow progression unlocks, and all out raids on the last day!

With this comes Twitch drops!  Be sure to get your accounts synced so you're ready to claim.  Watch our socials for more info!

If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Covert art by Blakrown.


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