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Community Update 255

Twitch Drops, Skin Contests, Reddit Insights, IRL Weapon Racks, and more!

22 August 2023
Community Support
United States

Save The date!

September 7th-14th we will be having a Twitch Drops event featuring some of your favorite creators.
More details on this coming soon, watch our socials in the upcoming weeks!

Be sure to get synced at so you can successfully claim your drops.
Charitable Rust is right around the corner (October 14th) and with that comes another set of Twitch drops and store items all going towards charity!

Rustafied is hosting a community skin contest for this event.  There are rules and parameters in there, please read them! :) 

Contest Rules

  • Use #CR2023 as official contest tag in Steam workshop.
  • No re-uploading old or previously submitted skins.
  • Do not steal or use any copyrighted or otherwise trademarked content.
  • Must be 100% original work (can work with others if all are listed on workshop page).
  • Must follow all basic workshop submission rules and standards.
  • If using the charity’s logo, it cannot be used on any weapon skins. Only Charitable Rust logo may be used on weapon skins.
  • Submissions must be high quality and Hi-Res, normals properly done/baked.
  • Cannot contain offensive or sexual content.
  • Don’t forget upload limit for the amount of skins you may submit.

Entry deadline is August 29th!
u/renan0803 has had a Rust Insights project going on for a while. They collected player insight data from a slew of r/playrust Reddit users and compiled it into a bunch of readable statistics!

We did tweak the original a bit to make it more blog-friendly but you can still see it here.
Very cool to see in this format.  Keep an eye out for the next rendition if you'd like to partake in future surveys!
No sooner did this hit the staging (beta) announcements and our friend over at Real & Game made some IRL weapon racks in what felt like a few days.

He also recorded his whole process.  This is pretty impressive!
Drilled all 600 holes by hand.
We have another banger from the Weed Farmers!

Bandit Camp is the promiseland.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.


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