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Community Update 256

Charitable Rust, Upcoming Twitch Drops, Rust miniatures, Speedpaints, and more!

22 September 2023
Community Support
United States

Twitch Drops!

October 12th - October 19th

Watch your favorite streamers and earn Twitch drops all week.

Make sure to get synced!

Main Event!

October 14th & 15th

Tune into the official Rustafied channel for the main event filled with mini games, art contests, talent shows, and more!

Special Charity Store Items

All week we will have unique charitable items up on the item store.  These items are exclusive to the event and account-bound. Proceeds from these store purchases go to charity: water!

Get Involved!

Are you a content creator wanting to participate and help fund the charity?  Want to donate?
Full event and participation info can be found at

Keep an eye on our socials for more info in the upcoming weeks.
I'm a sucker for a good speedpainting and the community did not disappoint this month.

Rust daVinci bringing us a dramatic black and white.

MonsteraRust captured a couple of divers.
u/Smecken has been working on an entire Rust miniature set.  Base, accessories, minicopter, the works!  Been challenged with getting the entire thing completed in 2 months.  We'll follow up with this project!

Lots of Heli mishaps!

Best player.
Pure panic.

When the new guy builds in the ocean.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Cover image by Alpha!


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