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Community Update 264

With the holiday rushes over let's get caught up!  Tetris Rust, Animal Rescue Charities, LOTS of art, zerg tutorials, and more!

20 February 2025
Community Support
United States
Few months ago you may have seen a teaser for a giant GameBoy within Rust that you can actually play Tetris on.

Philieve Rust has done it again!  This is an electrical masterpiece and a must-see.
He did a pretty amazing puzzle base for the Charitable Rust event last fall which is also worth the watch!

Recently Los Angeles, California experienced a terrible wildfire disaster.  Resulted in many displaced families and lost pets.

ChrissyTina, Raynbirds, and Valair got their heads together and hosted a pet rescue fundraiser to help local animal shelters aid and foster displaced pets.
They also teamed up with the Art of Rust community to paint people's pets in game!

Bob totally gets a participation ribbon for this one.
So many amazing artists that participated in this event!  Many of which you can find on X here.

Oh, and Nightshade gave us a speedpaint!
Overall they were able to raise over $9,000 for  Well done everyone!
If you're into highly educational tutorials dripping with dark humor and sarcasm then you're going to love Dirty Trout!

He normally edits for other creators but recently came out with his own banger.
We're digging this out-of-norm video style and hope to see more!
Last summer FancyOrb put together and hosted the Global Warfare 2 event.  Where the map was the real world and Rust players from all walks of life competed for territory standing.  There were politics, betrayals, victories, and an amazing timeline.

He's almost finished with the literal movie about the whole thing and offered up a teaser.  Full-length coming soon!

Global Warfare 3 when?
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on X or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Cover image by Monstera!


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