A make-believe oil tanker built with signs.
There will be a chest for each available seat that is locked with a key. (One for the dealer and one for the player at that seat) This is for bidding and money exchange between that player and the dealer and to prevent tampering from spectators or other players. Once the player acknowledges he received the key, the game begins! The player will place a bid into the chest and the cards will be dealt. (I'm running a casino simulator to make things quicker than me shuffling decks irl) For RR, because it's a altered version of actual roulette, I'm using a randomized number site that rolls the desired range of numbers.A bigger, better casino is planned post-wipe. I hope they have good security, because I love me some charcoal.
We have the signs, but we have no proof if we actually killed someone. We can't bring them back dead or alive. However, if when you killed someone their name was attached to their skull you could prove you did the deed! There would of course be ways of gaming the system, but that's life in the world of Rust!Hmm. If only there was some way of taking a photograph of the bounty in-game...