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Community Update #8

This week: a man cannon, male objectification, and art chat.

02 September 2014
I'll admit to choosing last week's header very carefully (I selected because it's amazing - it's from here, btw. An oldie, but a classic bit of fanart). The robot images sparked a lot of debate in the community, and I was thrilled to read about the impact robots could have on Rust servers. Note how slanty that 'could' is: nothing is set in stone. Anyway, lots of people seemed to tie them into the airdrops, with there being a chance the robot could be dropped instead of supplies. My personal take is that they should be made part of the server as the world generates, waiting to be creakily awoken from a slumber of hundreds of years to do whatever job they were programmed to do. I kinda view them as a utilitarian threat, just doing a job that happens to be incredibly dangerous to anyone caught up in it. The Rust Reddit in particular took the notion to heart, with two large threads exploring the idea. This one was in favour of the robots.
Since they are robots, they can be equipped with a wide array of weapons from guns to melee weapons like a spear. This means that if you aren't yet able to take down a caretaker, avoidance is the best course of action.
And this took a contrary position. Both threads hold plenty of interesting arguments.
Are we the only survivors? Are there people offshore toying with us? Are there people offshore trying to help us? Is it in the future? Is it in the past? Are we the first people on the island? Are we the LAST people on the island? With the robots we can answer many of these questions leaving less freedom to imagine.
I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks about the new rocks...
Speaking of art, our art Trello is open to the public, allowing super-ken fans to glimpse Rust's future. The simplified game design workflow goes concept art > model > game, with some shouting and accusations thrown around in-between. The fun part is when the fans get over-excited about the concepts, which happened with Paul's SMG ideas. Artist broetchaen created a 3D model based on the sketch, because he could. Not bad for a weekend's work. There are a few other views of it here.
The Experimental branch of Rust exists as freeform videogame jazz. The live development environment means there's occasionally unintended side-effects unforeseen consequences. That's exactly what Youtuber darknessnine discovered when he placed a window, a wall, and a frame together. For the most part, those pieces were designed to act as building blocks, but a certain formation turns them into a gosh-darned man-cannon, firing the player into the air like a cork ejected from a bottle. The only downside in using it is you have to die to do it. Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn... ... unnnnnn! I could see this being used as a hilarious form of home security, but it'll almost certainly be patched out.
Of course, there other methods of getting high. You could eat uncooked chicken, and while your temperature soars and your stomach empties there's a chance you'll see things. But I'm still talking about physically getting high, by making something really, really big. That's what Youtuber StreetSlizz has done, building a giant metal archway as part of his Rust Architecture series. Included in this little montage is a look at the arch as it's being constructed, a view from the inside, and a look from the top. I love watching people building with a laser-sharp focus. I love the difference it makes to the tone of the world. Large buildings are interesting, but with a clear idea you can reshape the world. Seeing something as modern as that archway dominating the bucolic landscape really blurs the lines of what Rust could be. I'm all for that.
You should be aware by now that people discussing what could go into Rust gets me all excited. It means there's still plenty to think about regarding the game, and there's nothing better than seeing a concept thoroughly picked over. Especially with diagrams. One of the forum threads that caught my eye this week was a discussion of the role of shields within Rust. I don't think anyone would argue against the inclusion of some form of hand-held protection, and the chat quickly moved into the 'how' territory. Could you use barrel lids? What about something even more ad-hoc? And, of course, there's the notion of wear and tear, which I'd imagine would be a huge factor in the amoral, procedurally generated hills of Rust. Pop in, leave a thought, and say I sent you.
With all the dongs flapping about on the Rust servers, you're all pretty comfortable with the male form, yeah (one of the most used phrases on Experimental was 'How to turn censorship off?')? Seeing well-modelled wang is a necessary part of the experience of surviving in a cold and desolate world. That's why I feel comfortable sharing Youtuber Swiftor's video, where a raid is briefly postponed when he comes across what can only be described as a shack of male objectification, complete with thumping stripper music (gloriously beat-boxed into a microphone) and dancing beefcakes. That said, there is no schlong on display. I wish we had a 'make it rain' button for such moments, as that hessian sack just looks so wrong.
You there, do you have an idea about Rust you want to share? We have a dedicated forum post, or you can post in the Reddit thread. I also poke around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well.


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