Internally we've been looking at how we can better balance the melee vs buildings stuff. When we're tweaking these values it can be hard to comprehend just what effect they will have. So we've been creating some in-editor tools to help us preview exactly what's happening. This has lead to a bunch of balances on the melee weapons.

I appreciate this is data that the community would like to get their hands on - and there's pros and cons to that. Ultimately the data will be extracted some way or another, and having a bunch of eyes on it guarantees that there's less fuckups. But at the same time it takes some of the mystery away from the game, and any change we make is immediately flagged up and reviled against.
Ultimately the pros overpower the cons - so once we have a way of generating it we'll find a way of making it available, and maybe even tweakable by server owners.