I implemented Google Analytics so we can collect data about how people are playing. It's quite important to us to know how the game is performing for people, how long they're playing for, what country they're in, how many people are playing. So we're now collecting some of this information.
It's only been running a few days but we already have some useful statistics.

We're averaging about 8,000 unique users per day. We're seeing highs of about 400 people online at once, lows of about 100 people online at once.

Average session duration is just under 10 minutes, but the majority of people are playing for 2-3 minutes. To me this suggests one of two things.. people are either coming on every day and checking out our progress, or they're trying to join a game and are crashing. That's something we've got to work out.
If people are coming and checking us out every day then that makes me very happy - because that's exactly what we want them to do. If they're crashing then that makes me kind of happy too - because it's a fixable problem, and it shows that they're coming back despite that.

Seeing where people are playing is really useful. It helps us localize and choose server locations. We're seeing about 21% US, 20% Russia, 9% Germany, 5% France, 5% UK.

Average frame rate on 64bit windows is 33. That's actually not as bad as I was expecting. The other platforms account for less than 8% of the results - so their low scores could be put down to the low sample counts. Either way this data gives us a rough idea of how well we're doing here - so we'll try to increase performance by optimizing and providing more customization on the F2 menu.