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Lunar New Year

Celebrate the 2022 Lunar new year, the year of the Tiger with a festive Tiger mask, craftable firecrackers, sky lantern, gong and more!

28 January 2022
Happy Lunar new year to everyone! To help everyone celebrate we have added some new and old items to the Steam item store.
First off, throughout the Lunar New Year celebration, everyone will be able to craft a set of throw-able firecrackers to make a racket. Traditionally set off to scare away evil spirits, many people would set them off when opening the front door before they went out. We somehow doubt these will scare off a dedicated door camper but you can try!
To celebrate the year of the tiger we have created a beautiful Tiger Mask with jiggling chin tassles. Similar to last years Ox Mask, it replaces the wolf headdress.

The Tiger Mask can be purchased on the Rust item store.
New this year is the Sky Lantern. When ignited with a lit torch the sky lantern will take to the skies and is able to carry one item in the direction you're looking. 
Available to be crafted in five colours: white, purple, green, red and orange. 

The Sky Lantern can be purchased at the Rust item store.
In addition to this year's tiger mask and sky lantern, we’ve added items back from prior years sale to the item store, the Dragon Door Knocker and the Chinese Lantern, Links to all of the items are below:


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