From everyone at Facepunch, we'd all like to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!
Rust and its DLC packs are currently on sale till the end of January with up to 50% off.
Every once in a while you will hear the sound of jingle bells. Run outside and look for a gift! Two gifts are spawned per player, in a radius of about 40m from where you are standing. Run up and bash it open to receive your Christmas presents. They come in three sizes: small, medium, and large. If you have enough small presents stashed, you can "trade up" to a medium or large. The contents of each present vary, but you'll find a mix of resources, weapons, and candy.

Once again, you will be able to find Santa hats and reindeer
antlers, both of which can be worn and provide a decent amount of
protection. There’s also a lickable candy cane club, and two types of
stockings. If you hang a stocking inside your base when the jingle bells
ring the stocking will fill up with loot. The larger stocking has a
higher chance for better items and both last around 5-10 refills.

The advent calendar is a craftable deployable available to everyone during the Christmas event. Once placed you can claim an in-game surprise once every in-real-life day from the 16th of December.

The Christmas event ends on January 4th @ 19:00GMT
Have fun!