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Updated Linux Plans

An update to our previous plans for the Linux version of Rust

15 August 2019
Garry Newman
Our previous plan was to make a separate Linux build that would have meant that the Linux guys wouldn't have been able to play with the Windows/Mac guys. We thought this would have been a good solution because it would have given the game on Linux some stability and meant it could still be played. After listening to the Linux community over the past week we now realise how shit that would be. So we've decided that it would be better if we stop shipping a Linux client all together and offer refunds.
Valve need to do some work on their back end to test for refund eligibility - so if you request a refund right now it will likely get rejected. I'll make another post when it's available but they're optimistic that it will be ready by the time we pull the plug (September 5th). Steam has a limited history of whether you've run the Linux version or not - so to guarantee that you'll show up as eligible I'd recommend you run Rust on Linux at least once right now.
So our rules on eligibility for refunds:
  • Should have played at least once on Linux
  • Hours played are irrelevant
  • We don't care if you've played on Windows too

I know there are people out there that have 2000 hours logged on Linux Rust and have said they feel like they've got their moneys worth and don't want a refund. If you have no intention of playing Rust again you should refund. You can use that money to buy a game from a developer that supports Linux well - this is the best thing you can do to help your community.
Proton has come up a few times as a solution to all of this. We're not opposed to it, we're not going to work against it, but it's not going to be supported officially. This post in r/linux_gaming shows that Rust does already work on Proton, but not with EasyAntiCheat enabled. The reasons for this should be obvious. Just keep in mind that if Proton does end up working - it'll be unsupported by us and could break at any time.
We'll continue to update and ship Linux version of the Rust Dedicated Server will as normal. We know a lot of people rely on the Linux server for their businesses and have no plans to change anything about it.


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