Ho, ho, ho! Merry Chrustmas! The holidays might be weeks away, but that hasn't stopped us getting into the spirit of things already. Holmzy has even stopped phoning me up in the middle of the night to read out all my passwords! Yes, it's a good time of year for everyone, and an even better time of year for the winners of
Xtab and
Rustafied's Christmas Skin Contest,
Rudolph's Revenge. The winners were
just announced and will soon be patched into the game.
Top prize goes to
Grandmother's Gift Barricade by Krovv. According to Rustafied: "I love the instant nostalgia I get when I look at this, back to when I was young and had a ton of presents to unrwap. The reflections really lend to the idea that it is indeed gift wrap!"

Second comes right after first! Xtab felt that
AstonAndrey's Christmas box was "Cheery and Christmassy!"
Killerbl's third place Christmas Elf Shirt is "just the thing to wear when you go visit Rust neighbors" this holiday, according to Xtab. Cover up your wang, though.

That's not all.
Exenoxx's Frostbite Facemask was the People's Choice, and honorable mentions to go
MDemon's Ice Tooth Hatchet and
Killerbl's Christmas Tree Door.
Really amazing work by everyone who entered. The judges were blown away by the quality of the work. Can't wait to see them in game.