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Community Update 164

Raids, bases, mods, and more.

12 December 2017
A header by Veysel Kara and a video by Surge is probably as close to a cheat code that the community update is going to get. I enter them into the blog and everything gets easier from there on. Surge calls his video "The Greatest Raid of all Time," which I can neither confirm nor deny, but I do love the intro. It's been a good year for watching people like Veysel and Surge grow into recognised and respected Rust community members through their talent. I hope 2018 sees more of the same from them and others. This might be the final community update of the year. Next week is a short week for Facepunch, and I might use it to mess with a prototype idea. Thanks to everyone who made something cool, and thanks to everyone who has clicked on that cool stuff.
Want some help figuring out the building system? KCmo has already begun to uncover the dos and don'ts, and will probably come up with a tonne more given enough time. Here's what he has for now. Things will change, but KCmo will keep on top of it for you all. Over on reddit, Hudson633 discovered a lovely and abandoned base on a server. My plan to roam the servers taking screens have been scuppered by a dodgy graphics card this month. Soon, hopefully.
X-SEIDE-T came up with a rad bear concept, while, er, Long_wang sketched someone who looks like he's ready for that bear. This isn't exactly art (though what is?), but kelly3DArts showed off a 3D printed AK on reddit, and it's awesome. I'd love to see a more about the process of that AK's creation.
Welyn's good enough to not need a hand getting started in the game, but he's smart enough to know when to take help. In this case a quick scan of the map turns up a surprisingly cheap shop, and the rest is... well, its Welyn. That leap over the rock. That's the sign of a player who gives no fucks.
Rust has a wild west of servers, each with their own rules and styles, and even some exclusive stuff that we don't have in game (though some of it is planned). Rather than hop on every server, press every button, raid every build, let ThatGermanGuy guide you through a few. Here he rides horses, shoots down supply drops, rides tanks, and more. I think I can hear Shadowfrax whinnying with joy.
Ending on a happy note, from Katziezi. Via Datguy98. Something tells me that the shot was good.
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Share your building 3.0 base designs, show off a game-mode or mod from your server, or have you done a cool thing with Code Locks and Vending Machines? There's a dedicated forum, or you can fish for upvotes in the sub reddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well.


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