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Community Update 215

Community blog returns, charitable Rust and more!

22 August 2019
Community Support
United States
We're baaaAAAaaack! Ask and you shall receive! We had many of you wanting the community blog to make a return so we're going to give it a whirl. Now, I'm no writer so you'll have to put up with my grammatically incorrect sentence structures and smiley faces. :) Our goal is to do these once mid-month to offset the updates and devblog. Please don't send me your stretched-res-PVP-chad montage dubbed to questionable rap music. Winky face.
Calling all skin creators! Rustafied is hosting their 5th annual Charitable Rust event to raise money for Pencils of Promise, they're teaming up with ThatGermanGuy to host a skin contest. The lucky winners will have their skins featured on the item store for the week of Charitable Rust with all proceeds going to Pencils of Promise, Interested? Click here to learn more!
Veysel said his inspiration for his art came from playing Rust and wanted to capture the moments he experienced in game and put it into his art to capture forever and to share. He combined his love for art with learning new tools and started crating amazing new Rust skins. He recently did some art for hJune, Blooprint, an in-game skin for Ser winter, and a twitter banner for yours truly! There's also an animated version of Bloo's! He's pretty active on twitter and posts his work often if you want to keep tabs on his creations.
Cruxal is a french Canadian from Montreal, eh. He downloaded Rust in 2015 and been playing regularly ever since. It was his first survival game. The genre was very new to him. At the time, everyone was talking about survival games and as days passed they garnered more attention. Rust being on the front of Steam one day was all it took. He was instantly hooked. It's now blossomed into his primary content for both Twitch and Youtube. "Rust holds a very special place in my life, and I'm proud to be part of the community!" Be sure to check out his swanky tutorial videos for both new and returning players!
A custom map maker by the name of Keirox was brought to our attention this week. He's working on the mother of all maps. Replicating real world cities, countries, and monuments. He said he's sank about 6 months into this custom build and plans to have it go live for real gameplay Soon™. I made you guys a teaser thinger too :) We'll touch on it again when it's playable for you guys to check out. You can also join his Discord to stay in the loop. If you're a fan of map making in general, or want to dabble in it yourself, there's a Map Making Discord as well!
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse.


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