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Community Update 226

Charity hype, Rust on Mars, Lighthouse recreations, and more!

28 August 2020
Just wanted to touch real quick on our Staging (beta) builds. All the bug fixes and new features we put in the game land on the Staging client first. If you're someone that likes to help with development and get a first play at new stuff make sure you download it! It's already in your Steam library and launches as a separate game once you get it installed. With that said, kayaks are on staging! F7 in game is a great spot to report bugs too.
Trust in Rust Charity Tournament went off without a hitch again this month! There was an amazing turnout! hJune and Rustoria knocked it out of the park. We had 48 teams, many content creators, all hyped to decimate each other. All in all, between donations and the hoodie skin sales, a whopping $55,831.00 was raised for Mental Health awareness. You can watch hJune's full vod in case you missed the live version. There were so many different PoV videos I couldn't possibly list them all. Some are edited beautifully and also hysterical. I've put together a Youtube playlist of all the ones I could find, to keep them all nice and tidy. This tournament is going to be a regular thing that will happen a couple times a year so be sure to pay attention if it's something you want to watch or be involved in! Great job everyone!
If you guys follow me on twitter this may not come as a surprise, but Project Nova made an amazing Mars map. Complete with lack of oxygen, bio domes, and breathing tanks. It really is more than just a custom map. It's an entire experience. Shadowfrax did a smashing job n showcasing it. Willjum played it solo, going into it knowing nothing about the experience itself. Swales went full-chad on it. Be sure to check out their website for server info and how to play on it. If you're a fan of map making in general, or want to dabble in it yourself, there's a Map Making Discord!
We have some fresh meat! GoldyLachs puts his heart and soul into his edits. The aspiring chad is fairly new at the game and is still friendly! Go check him out before he gets corrupted. :) "Ive always had a huge passion for content creation, i used to make Call Of Duty style sniper montages in Garry's Mod, for me and my friends to watch back in the day, because i couldn't record my Ps3 and Garry's Mod was so versatile. I really enjoyed watching Rust content creators do so many different things and have their own unique way of playing, after being inspired by my friend Ser Winter, i decided i would try my hand at making a Rust video. It took over a month to be happy enough with a recording to even begin to edit it, but after that i was hooked. Being able to craft a different narrative each week, and having the tools to make it feel like a movie experience are a huge part of why i already love this game so much. I'm not great at pvp yet, but i enjoy making quality cinematics. To be able to enhance the story telling far beyond what i could do with just my first person recording. It allows me to show multiple views and angles so that the viewer can get the full experience.
Lighthouse recreation made on the Rust-A-Holics PVE server!
[Base Showcase] "Lighthouse II" from r/playrust
Mini midi Rust concert
Rust and music go very well together from r/playrust
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit


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