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Community Update 228

Twitch drops, Split rad, Elevator action, raves & more!

18 November 2020
In case you missed it: We have active Twitch drops right now! This is our first run-through of them but it won't be our last. The event ends Thursday the 19th 23:30 UTC. You still have time! Details of future campaigns will be announced via our socials. Step 1: Sync all your accounts here - Step 2: Watch your favorite Rust streamer on Twitch You do have to manually claim them on Twitch as you earn the watch time. We have extra buttons on our site once you're synced to check for missed drops! Go get 'em tigers.

Wanted to take a hot sec to give a shout out to my BFF's over at Medal for really pumping out some awesome features lately. If you're unfamiliar, they're a game video clipping platform. It's a one-stop-shop for all your PvP Chad Epic Roleplayer Fresh Spawn [insert screech] moments! You record, bookmark, clip, and upload all from one spot. It just runs in the background. With all the recent DMCA shenanigans they added an option to exclude all other desktop sounds so you can listen to music without it recording.
Whether it be a bug or a cheater, you can also link these in your F7 reports to us!
They frequently run contests & giveaways too. Maybe we can muster up a Rust one! You can keep up to speed with development changes on their blog. They have a discord bot as well. My aim is so bad I can't even hit water.
Perusing Reddit this week and notice a lot of ya'll are dishing out your Rust throwback screenshots, videos, and memories. The nostalgia is real! I felt it was a great time to bring up a live Legacy map that Corrosive from The Horde Rust has put together and has it on a playable server! Small/Split Rad was where all the parties were and Hacker Valley was where you based if you were the chads of the server. If you'd like to check it out, the connection info is on their website!
This month we have Ownrocker! When he's not memeing on Twitter he's either streaming or recording Rust. "When I first started playing Rust solo back in 2016 I had literally no idea what I was doing. I spawned on a random server with 20 fps on my work laptop, I got instantly shot in the head by a random sniper in a tower. I then started watching videos on YouTube by FrankieonPC, Ser Winter and others. That is where I really started to enjoy the game. Not long after I was back with some friends and I slowly learned how to do everything from crafting, building and raiding. I had never played a brutal pvp survival game like this but I was hooked! The brutality of the game, the high risk, high reward was what really sold me on Rust. I didn't get into making videos right away, but later I met Mr Irish Lad who makes videos and he got me into doing the same on YouTube. I had never recorded or edited videos before but after a lot of tutorials on YouTube and inspiration from people like Ser Winter and JordanPants I slowly got into making my own videos! I want to share my experience in Rust with people through my videos, and that's what I have been trying to do for the past couple of years. I'm still improving with every video and taking inspiration from the whole community with different editing styles and cinematics, But I want my videos to have emotion and a story, for the viewers to follow along in my adventures. My content is a mixture of action, storytelling, humor and adventure and I try to capture this experience in Rust as best I can and show people how amazing this game really is!" Here you can watch him get raided like 47 times in one wipe.
A working motion-detected drawbridge by Reddit user u/MadmaxGMR!

Mammoth taking a bit more of a malicious route to collect loot.
If you like videos of PC games taken with a cell phone then this is right up your alley!
When you die at Oil Rig and have no more scrap for a boat left from r/playrust

Seizure warning! Bag me in next time! :catJAM:
No one: .. My team when it's night: from r/playrust
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.
Cover art by Hamdi!


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