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Community Update 243

Custom desk mats, Mars monuments, thoughtful poetry, and more!

15 June 2022
Community Support
United States
Last week we announced our exciting partnership with EpicDesk!  They are a custom desk/mouse pad producer that specialize in limited edition campaigns for content creators!

They have a few campaigns live right now you can check out for pre-order.  With more creators being signed up regularly.

If you are a dedicated Rust content creator be sure to reach out and see what magic can be made!

In Partnership with Secretlab, We're running a giveaway June 17th-21st for a Secretlab Rust Edition chair!

Tell us which feature of the Secretlab Rust Edition chair you like best and why it would level up your Rust gaming experience?

  • 1st place: Physical Rust Secretlab Chair + a virtual in-game Secretlab Chair

  • 2nd place: $150 worth of Rust Skins + a virtual in-game Secretlab Chair

  • 3rd place: $75 worth of Rust Skins + a virtual in-game Secretlab Chair

Limited to Canada, Europe, UK and the US.

Entries must be made on our Twitter announcement thread and should include tags for both @secretlabschairs & @playrust.

Be creative!  We'll announce winners June 21st.  Please keep an eye on your Twitter for notifications from us in order to redeem.

This competition is run by Facepunch Studios Ltd at Concept House, Elmore Green Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, UK. The competition ends on June 21th 2022. One entry per person. The winner and runners-up will be selected based on which submission Facepunch thinks is the most original/creative and any decisions Facepunch makes will be final. The winner and runner-up must claim their prizes within one month of the closing date (which Facepunch may exchange for an alternative of the same or greater value).
As some of you may know we had one of our most controversial updates last patch.  It caused quite a stir in the community!

Here's Roman Fever with a festive, poetic recap in the tone of snarky.

This month we have the ever-so-graceful Blazed!  

"Hi, I'm Blazed, I have been playing rust for over 6 years and streaming on twitch for 2 years. My friend originally introduced me to rust and I haven’t stopped playing rust since.

I began gaming on original ps2, and moved to PC games playing Arma 3 and counter strike, and eventually Rust. I love that rust has no set way to play, it keeps it fresh and fun to play for long amounts of time, and I look forward to playing for many years to come!"

You can find him mostly on Twitch.
He does upload to Youtube frequently as well!
Project Nova never disappoints!

They just released their latest monument, the Robotics Lab, for the Mars map!  This monument is comparable to Airfield on Earth. High/Mid-Tier Loot, Blue Card Puzzle, and Red Card Spawn.

Details on how you can check it out on their website!

I'm a sucker for a good in-game Rust art and speedpainting!  Pronwan knocked it out of the park.

Meowgress gave us a speedpaint of the Rust art done for our merch store.

If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Cover art by Lost!


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