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Community Update 250

Charity Success, Industrial Update Brainstorming, Great Twitch Moments, community made Hapis & more!

20 February 2023
Community Support
United States
What a ride!
Between November and January our Rust community raised over 500,000 for charities!  Let's break this down a bit.

Charitable Rust 2022

Through raw donations during the livestream event they raised $27,897.
Through skin sales, donations accumulated another $225.898.

That's a total of $253,796 that went to World Central Kitchen.  A relief organization that brings hot meals to victims of natural disasters all over the globe.

Since Charitable Rust's inception in 2015 they've helped raise a total of $1,059,374.40.  Impressive!

Shout out to Rustafied for putting the production together in collaboration with Rust Reborn and their Bedwars event.  Awesome work everyone!

Trust in Rust 4

The numbers for this one are still coming in so we don't have exact figures yet but here's what we have so far!

Through raw donations during the livestream event they raised $36,788.
Through skin sales (so far), donations accumulated another $236,974. (so far)

As of today's date they have raised $273.762 and the numbers are still rolling in. This money was raised for You Are RAD.  A mental health network providing therapy sessions to anyone in need.

Special thanks to Rustoria and hJune for all the hard work on getting this event together!
There's two types of people when we put out an update that requires a bit of brainpower.

There's normal people doing normal, interesting, requires-you-to-think things...

...and then there's Porgie

Anyone out there have some big brain automated bases?
Best Rust player in all the land.
Boogie man.

He did it on purpose.  Swear.
It was with heavy heart we had to discontinue the Hapis map this month.

Luckily we have a badass community of map makers stepping up to the plate!

SyFex has been spending loads of time working on a Hapis map you may see on some of the community servers in the near future!

There's a discord you can join if you'd like to keep up on the development of it and see when you might be able to play it.

Think these two have over 30k hours combined.
If you made something cool or saw something cool, reach out! Tag me on the Twitterverse or u/ErrnieGerrn Reddit.

Cover art by SgtSmuffy!


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