Movies and feces.
It's useful for spotting your friends in the map or coordinated actions. It can be used as a decoy for curious guys who thinks a noob used the flare gun. The flare gun can be used as a weapon, but it has low accuracy and low damage. You need to reload after each flare used.Here's the idea. They've done a good job of capturing the broken feeling of in-game objects.
-Someone kills you for being in their territory. You arrive back later when you respawn and leave a hot steamy shit on their doorstep. -You raid someone's house. When they arrive back at their home they find an empty room with no supplies around, only you your teammates feces. -You squat by a sleeping person and leave a steamy surprise for them by their sleeping body. -Fling feces at enemies -You're walking through the forest, you see someone poppin' a squat and you sneak up behind and bash their skull in with your rock and pick out bone fragments from their shit.How would that look? Here's a handy mock-up.
We've been online for just over a week now and we've had a great response of new players joining the whitelist with a great group of players who have been regulars since day one. RP has been great. A little over a week and there's been wars fought, religions established, holy wars fought, and alliances forged. It's exciting to see the RP faction server chugging along again.And he sent a little gallery of the server's first week back in action. I love the use of the Satellite as neutral ground. And you guys are going to love the upcoming signs update.