Remaking concept art in-game, streamers invading each other, a look at the Battle Royale gamemode, and visiting Rust's finest learning establishment.
client.connect seattle.intoxicated.co.za:27101 client.connect rust.intoxicated.co.za:27121The more who play, the better the mod will be.
During the first day, lowlands such as coastline, forests and deserts are gonna get flooded. Most if not all freshwater sourses are gonna get flooded over and animals are either going to flee or drown. Thus, players should've stocked up well on supplies, 'cause they're gonna get hard to get during this time. The flooding effectively "shrinks" the playable map, causing players to run into each other and fight for the scarce remaining resources. Highgrounds are gonna be sought after as the aviable dry land lesses every hour.Of course, this means that people will probably just build on the highest peaks they can find to begin with, but I like the tension his scenario could add to something that's generally utilitarian. Read the thread, there's lots of talk about how to make something like this work.