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Community Update 57

War reporting, rocking the Workshop, base pimping, and more.

15 September 2015
If you want to know what the top image represents, you need to read Rustifac Today. It's Renegade_Fravo's and Temper's regular Reddit post for the Rust factions subreddit. It details the recent events of the Rust Factions server, probably the most interesting community if you enjoy political intrigue and server lore alongside your pumpkin wearing, guitar wailing, and sphere jumping. The subreddit is full of that stuff, and the 'newspaper' condenses it all down. The map shows the clan boundaries, as well as unclaimed ground and independent cities. You're obviously only seeing part of the map there, so here's the full thing. In some ways, Rustifac Today is like a text version of a raid-cam, with a detailed look into the server's ongoing power struggles: "Today ION capital felt under LUX control. In a tactical manoeuvre, LUX and PK faked an outgoing war. PK offered their help to a desperate ION, who was running low on resources, and did not count with the help of USR that was busy managing the invasion on their land. ION accepted on the spot, not counting that this was a setup by LUX." It takes the activities on the server absolutely seriously, and includes economic and political news, alongside interviews with faction leaders. For people just getting to know the server, there's a guide to where you can set up a home. There's even a classifieds section. There's a huge amount of work gone into it, so have a read. It might make you want to join.
This is so simple, but it's also my favourite Rust video for a long time. The guys on The Grumpy Spanner Youtube channel found a meagre little base on their server. It's not a well home at all, with a lot of errors that a different TV show would take advantage of. That's not what the Pimp My Base crew are all about, though: they take note of what he's done wrong and start rebuilding a new base around his sleeping body. It's brilliantly presented, and it even has an ad break. Watch. Subscribe. Possibly join the server if your base skills are sub-par and you like to sleep? More. MORE!
A little look at some Steam Workshop items, but almost certainly not the ones you expected. You probably already know that the SDK enables you to skin select clothing items, as well as a few guns. But you can also skin some items, and people have been creating alternative looks for the rock and the hammer. It's kind of fascinating: they're both very utilitarian, but both needed to be iconic because they're common items. Here's what the community has turned them into. And links: Lunar Rock, Glacier Rock, Evil Rock, Wilfred, and Rustic Work. Wilfred is my favourite.
Next time you're on a Rust server, look up. Who knows what you'll see? Maybe an airdrop; or possibly a person of dubious morals and no skill; you might even see a series of platforms and a player leaping between them. If it's that last one, you're on the same server as CM Pictures, who built a Parkour course on their server. They also put it on top of a mountain, and on top of pillars so all that's between a player and a sticky end is the frigid mountain air and their grip strength. Have a peek. It's always fun seeing non-standard building projects. This isn't even the only Ninja training course we've seen this week. The Rust Crips made something similar, but it's not as scary as the sky run. Soon Rust will be nothing but ninjas.
I've been enjoying Pretermit's reddit posts about different map seeds and sizes. This is what a map with the seed 1337 set to the size of 1337 looks like. That Sphere placement...
Survey Charges are deadlier than you think But did they find oil?
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Now's the time to share your base designs, or get into the growing Raid Cam business, or to make a lovely shirt. There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.


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