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Community Update 65

A preview of <a href="">Rustafied's</a> carnival themed <a href="">charity Rust</a> stream, coming this weekend. Plus a visit from Bob Ross, lots of art, and some fun ideas for the in-game camera tool

10 November 2015
The header image this week is rather special. It's from the ever giving, never taking people who run Rustafied, who will be hosting a charitable 12 hour Rust stream on November 14th, supporting Child's Play. Why Rust?
The landscape of Rust is harsh and brutal. Although it is fun to play in brutal virtual environments, harshness in real life is no game. Help us improve the lives of children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters through the power of playing Rust.
Guests will include Vertiigo, Phaedo82, Argyle Alligator, who'll be visiting a carnival specially created for the occasion. The event kicks off at at 11 AM EST and will be on Rustafied's Twitch channel. Here's the Steam group to keep up-to-date.
Just a reminder that you don't need to expose yourself to death and elaborate penis paintings in order to practice building techniques in Rust. There's two programs hoping to help you learn the ropes. Fortify recently updated, and looks damn slick. The makers are hoping you're kind enough to let it on Steam. Its vicious* rival, Rubled, has already made it onto Steam, and development has continued swiftly. It looks rather pretty. *I assume.
Excellent Youtubers The Grumpy Spanner invited Bob Ross onto their channel. Do not operate heavy machinery when watching this video. I've already had three naps trying to end ths prghp....... That's not the only relaxing bit of Rust artistry that I watched this week. Here's a glimpse at how my favourite Rust server, Rust Factions, makes its iconic map. For every era, a map is created by PeebleTheory, who painstakingly traces the contours of the land to create logical areas for people to claim. It's a very relaxing process to watch. Conversely, it's not a very relaxing process to embed into a website, as it autoplays. Just click on it.
More art! All the art! Games are art! Just a small dump of some of my favourite Rust-based images from this week. It's a pretty random collection, but I like that the community produces such varied work. Here's King's recreation of Van Gogh's Starry Night, using the new in-game framed canvas to make it more painterly. I've been enjoying watching people on the Workshop get to grips with what's needed to gain attention of their creations. You have to entertain people at every step, which is exactly what Senescent's art for the Improvised Aesthetically Pleasing Dream Vessel does. It's a really fun bit of design: Fefarrar's hand-drawn Rust dude is nice. Click for the full version.
I quite liked Lightning_cat's discussion around the camera tool we have in Rust, if only for the varied uses the players came up with, including spying, art, and camouflage. It started with this.
I think that with the new picture frames, we should be able to use the camera in some way to import screenshots from our rust screenshot folder onto the picture frames. Be it a picture of your squad, base or pumpkin, I think this would be a cool feature!
That's a good way to legitimise cock photography. And then there's this idea.
The camera could be used for blueprints, take several pictures of a Quarry for example to have a chance at getting the blueprint? Requires a certain [number] of blueprint books too. Covert missions to break into someone base to take photos of turret even...
Which I quite like. There's more there. Worth the click.
Yeah, we should probably fix this. Sorry about that!
Think you're working on something awesome? Tell me all about it. Now's the time to share your base designs, or get into the growing Raid Cam business, or show off a game-mode from your server. There's a dedicated forum post, or you can fish for upvotes in the Subreddit. I also shuffle around the the Steam Community, so feel free to show me to things from there. You can follow and respond to Rust on Twitter, and I'm on there as well. I can't respond to everything, but I read every comment and take it all in.


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